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MSN Recorder Max
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4.8 k downloads

Record MSN video chat sessions easily

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Have you ever wanted to record an MSN video chat session? From now on you'll be able to record any MSN video thank to MSN Recorder Max.

MSN Recorder Max is a simple but really effective and useful application that allows you to save video conversations had through MSN.

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When you are chatting with your friends and you start a video session you'll only have to press the Record button of MSN Recorder Max's interface and the video will be saved in high quality.

It's the application you have been searching for months, and it can be really useful.

Reviewed by Uptodown Content Team Translated by Uptodown Localization Team

Information about MSN Recorder Max

License Trial
Op. System Windows
Category Utilities
Language English
Author CoolWareMax
Downloads 4,756
Date Feb 7, 2011
Content Rating Not specified
Advertisement Not specified
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